Sunday, April 22, 2012

Leptin, The Hunger OFF Switch...

Leptin, The Hunger OFF Switch...

Leptin is the hormone of satisfaction. Leptin is a protein that is secreted by our own bodies and it controls how full we feel. So, it tells us when to stop eating. Leptin also increases metabolism. 

To control your appetite and hunger you can keep keep your leptin levels high by doing the following.
  • Avoid high fructose corn syrup and too much sugar. High fructose corn syrup blocks leptin from letting your brain know that you are done eating. The brain does not recognize fructose as a real food and it makes you keep eating. Sugars make your brain less sensitive to leptin.
  • Eat your healthy fats, monounsaturated fats and polyunsaturated fats. The healthy fats help boost your leptin levels, so they are more satisfying than saturated fats. Both are also great for you heart and arteries.
  • Take zinc. Zinc increases your leptin levels. You can buy zinc in 15mg packets or get it from your multivitamin, which usually contains 12mg 
  • Stop crash diets. When you lose a lot of weight quickly from serious calorie restriction, your leptin levels plummet. So you get hungrier, your thyroid decreases output and your metabolic rate drops.
  • Eat ONE large meal per week.Your body then senses the rush of fuel and boosts leptin levels, increasing your metablism and priming your body for fat loss. 
  • Sleep well. Research has found that shorter sleep periods (6 hours or less) lowers leptin levels, cause an increase in appetite and make people crave carbs and other fattening foods. 
    And remember,  
    the best way to stay healthy is to stay informed.
     Have a great day! Amy

1 comment:

  1. Ugh! If only there were 30 hours in a day - then I'd get more sleep ;) Great read! I've been trying to incorporate more HIIT to stoke my metabolism and gain a better level of fitness. It's painful but seems to be re-wiring some really old circuitry in my body. :)
