"Clean Eating" makes getting thin easy, natural and enjoyable!
You may have heard about something called "clean eating". This is the way I eat. I am nearing 44 years old and I feel better than I ever have and staying thin is easier than ever before! How I wish I had discovered clean eating even sooner! I believe it is the healthiest way to eat. Clean eating is eating whole foods that are not processed, modified or hydrogenated. Foods are processed for a couple of reasons: to increase shelf life and to mass produce at a lower cost. Our bodies are not meant to process all of those chemicals used. You can begin by reading labels and apply this one basic rule: If you can’t pronounce the names of the ingredients on the label, then you probably shouldn’t put it into your body. It’s that simple!
Here is a few clean eating tips:
- Eat fresh fruits and vegetables. Processing them reduces their nutritional value and adds, salt, fat, sugar and chemicals. Choose fruit instead on fruit juice and if you must pick a processed vegetable, frozen is always better than canned.
- Eat lean meats, preferably choose organic or grass fed meats because these are usually clean of pesticides, hormones and additives. Grill, broil, or bake rather than fry.
- Avoid soda and high calorie, sugary drinks. Choose water or tea, or make your own juice with fresh fruits and veggies without added sugars or preservatives. The chemical compounds found in diet foods such as sucralose, aspartame and cyclamate are much harder for your digestive tract to break down. These sweeteners can also be up to 300 times sweeter than natural sugar!
- Trade bad fats for good fats, Removing saturated fats, and eating monounsaturated fats or polyunsaturated fats, from foods like nuts or fatty fish.
- Choose low-fat or fat free dairy. Note that some people who live a clean eating lifestyle don't eat dairy products. I have replaced cows milk with almond milk and I really like it, although I do eat cheese and choose the low fat.
- Choose whole grains. I recommend Ezekial bread which is a sprouted grain bread with no preservatives and a complete protein. Tastes great too! You find it in the freezer at select stores.
- Eat several meals to keep blood sugar stable and to avoid overeating.
I Have a great day!
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