Eating good carbs makes you thin, not fat!
The fact is, carbohydrates make up the largest portion of the best fat burning diets! When a lot of people think of carbs they think of bread in any form, but there are good carbs and good carbs will make you thin, not fat. There are two types of carbs, fast digesting carbs and slow digesting carbs. Slow digesting carbs will help you lose weight.
Slow digesting carbs are natural and you find them in fruit, veggies, beans, brown or wild rice, and grains high in fiber, such as whole grains, sprouted grain breads and oatmeal. Carbohydrates are muscle and brain fuel. They should make up the largest portion of your diet. The slow digesting carbs slow down insulin levels, meaning your blood sugars remain pretty normal and not causing insulin spikes that cause weight gain.
Fast digesting carbs are man made. They are found in breads, white rice, cereals, rice cakes, and fruit juices. Avoid carbs that are processed. Fast digesting carbs increase blood sugar levels, which releases insulin, which can make you gain weight.
If your diet too low in carbs, you will feel tired or moody and have difficulty concentrating. Your body will be soft and untoned because you won't be able to build muscle and shape properly. If you eat a slow digesting fruit right after your workout, the sugar in that fruit rushes to muscles to help them replenish lost glycogen, the fuel your muscle runs on. Starchy carbs, such as legumes, brown rice, oatmeal, and most grains that are whole, sweet potatoes or yams, potatoes, rice, kidney beans and corn, are super loaded with fiber, which dilutes toxic agents in the bowel, and moves fat out of your body before it has time to get stored.
Make sure you eat your good carbs! My next blog will be about protein coming soon!
Have a great day!
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